Monday 3 August 2009



It is better to make Ruqiah for yourself without contacting any exorcists however if you choose to contact an exorcist, please be advised that not everybody who claims to cure using the Quran is a righteous Sheikh, some are sorcerers who seek worldly benefits by their lies, here is how you could tell if they are sorcerers:
1. If they ask for your mother's name, then definitely avoid them, only sorcerers ask for that.
2. If they say they have righteous Jinn helping them, then leave them, there is absolutely no way to know if a Jinn is righteous or devil, it would be a devil tricking the exorcists or more common he is a sorcerer seeking devils help.
3. If they write any symbols or unreadable text with or without some verses of the Quran, then leave them.
4. If they use sands in anyway (writing on it, hitting it, walking over it, etc.)
5. If they ask you to do weird things like slaughtering a black animal or carrying some talismans with you all the time or hiding them in far places.
6. If they don't attend the regular prayers at the Masjid, usually sorcerers like to be alone, so please ask about them in the Masjid before contacting them.
7. If they demand lots of money for their service, then leave them, usually righteous exorcists do this service for free and don't accept gifts in exchange, some of them however charge reasonable amount of money for their time to be able to help others





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